Here's the "Last Punch Bunch"
They've been hung-up, wrung-out, hung-down, swung-on, struck-out, slapped, zapped, worn out, worked over, and over-worked. Now it's their turn. Here's the guys and gals that have hung in there long enough to get in that last punch. Good-goin' guys and here's hopin' it goes good!
Names with links have photos and/or articles attached. If you have photos from a recent or previous retirement party we'd like to post them. Please send them to: or notify your branch officer and make arrangements to get photos to the webmaster.
There are quite a few people missing on this list. If you have the names and dates of retirement please drop us a note so that we may include them here. We'd also like to have a little information on those retires as well. Please send your comments and/or photos to the
Bruce Batchelder - Stockdale (93309) Chuck Sutton - Hillcrest (93306) Ted Martinez
Ed Stuler - Ridgecrest Shop Steward John Neagle - Ridgecrest Shop Steward Bob Mitchell (South Station)
Gary Kelsey Fred Acedo Rick Plummer, Ray Scroggins, Joe Jones
Buddy Gallegos Alex Dang Clifford Fehdrau
Keith Schooley Tommy Herrera Stephani MacLaughlin
Wes Johnson Everett Jennings Alma Kirby
John Rivera George Duarte Alvie Ramos
Note: If you have photos or information about any of the retirees above that do not have links please feel free to send that information or photos to the webmaster, Rick Plummer.