Farewell, Chuck!

Hillcrest has added a new name to our list of distinguished Retirees:   Chester ("Chuck" to his friends) Sutton retired on September 3, 2002 with thirty years of service.

After serving his Country in the military for two years, and going to
Vietnam, Chuck started at the Post Office on 8/14/74.

He had route 617 for many years. So long in fact, that his customers knew him so well that whenever they needed to mail a letter and they had missed him at their house they knew exactly where to find him. He had a favorite parking spot behind the Church on his route under his favorite tree. The Church said they were going to make a parking sign for him saying "Reserved for Chuck".

He had route 629 after that for about twenty months before retiring.

Chuck had a quick wit. He always had a good joke to pass along. We had our usual going away part for him in true Hillcrest tradition: A Big Pot-Luck!  There was so much food that his kids ate for a week on the leftovers.

Chuck was the type of Carrier who had his own way of getting his route ready every day.  He was always out the door by 10:30 every day.  No matter how much mail he had, he would just put up what he had to and he was out the door.  He did this because he only worked eight hours a day.  As soon as he was done delivering the mail, he went to his other job.  Chuck is a painter.

Now that he is retired from the Post Office, he can now paint full time, or
when and if he feels like it.

So, all of us at Hillcrest wish our friend, Chuck, a long and happy
retirement. We'll miss you. Don't work too hard lifting that paint brush!

93306 Letter Carrier