Farewell Bruce!
When I retire (or just get fed up and quit), I want to go out like Bruce
Batchelder. He came in a few Saturdays ago and said, "Oh, by the way. This
is my last day". I thought, "How cool is that?" I want to come in some day
and say, "Okay, I'm done. See ya."
Well, I guess I have a while before I can do that. But that's the way to go,
eh? Bruce's retirement party is on October 26, 2002, at Don Perico's on
White Lane. The price is $10.00, at the door. You'll need to let either
Patty Goulart or Gale Grasse know if you are going to attend. It should be
Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend. For I will still be in Maui. I
think Bruce will understand.
Good Luck to you, Bruce!!!!! Have a long, happy retirement. Enjoy!
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