September 2003


The regular meeting of Branch 782 was called to order by President Frank Thomasy at 7:31 p.m. the 23rd day of September, 2003 at the Branch office, 262.8 F Street, Bakersfield. The flag salute was led by Sergeant-at-Arms Jeff Harrington. All members of the Executive Board were present except Treasurer Molly Biggar and Trustee Darryl 1-lolderman. The stewards from 01, 04, 06, 07, 08, Camino Media, Delano, Lamont, Shafter and Wasco were present. Also present was Newsletter Editor Basil Zuniga; Assistant Editor Gene Shebley; S.A.N.E. Fred Acedo; OWCP Representative George Perez; Representative of Retirees Joe Jones. The minutes of the July 22, 2003 meeting were read and accepted with no additions or corrections. The communications were read.

APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP: An application was received from Teresa Ortega.


The picnic is October 12 at Jastro Park. We will need help setting up and with clean up afterwards. Contact Irene Pasos to volunteer. The Retiree Luncheon will be November 9th at the Crystal Palace. Retiree and spouses are free. All other members are $10. Basil reported that Stockdale folded the newsletter last month with the help from the regulars from Dole Ct. Next month will be Camino Media’s turn.




GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION: Diana Chavez reported that there will be a Legislative training class in Fresno on January 11, 2004. It is a Sunday. Contact Diana for carpooling. Bill Curtis has free tickets to the Supreme Bean Skins Spectacular on October 28th. See Bill if you would like the tickets. Mike Towery reported that Route Count and Inspections will be held at Stockdale beginning October 18; South Station beginning October 25; and, at East Bakersfield beginning November 1. The branch will hold classes for those interested in attending. The new phone number to request an EEO Packet is 775-7009. Brad Smith asked about management talking to accident “repeat offenders”. Frank Thomasy discussed safety and the Van Nuys District. Frank reported that at the District. Meeting he and Mike attended they were told that supervisors have to follow the same safety regulations as carriers. A discussion was held regarding Van Nuys Safety issues. Jerry Patterson made a motion to purchase 375 Bass Color Coded Calendars to sell for $4.00 each to Branch members and $5.00 each to non- members. Seconded by Joe Jones, motion passed. Frank Thomasy reported that Mario Munoz from East Bakersfield, has retired. A discussion was held regarding the number of delegates to send to the State and National Conventions. Joe Jones made a motion to send ten delegates to the State Convention. Seconded by Jeff Harrington and passed. Jerry Patterson made a motion that any money left over from the state convention be used for the national. Seconded by Silver Farr. A discussion was held and the motion was withdrawn. Diana Chavez made a motion that we send ten delegates to the national convention with the option of sending more in the funds are available. Seconded by Jerry Patterson and the motion passed. Frank Thomasy opened the nominations for State Convention Delegates. Nominated were Randy Coursen, Diana Chavez, Rolando Trevino, Brad Smith, Jeff Harrington, Margaret Romero, Danyl Holderman, Anita Holderman, Tina Harbour, George Perez, Gene Shebley, Bill Curtis, Basil Zuniga, Kim Gerdes, Karen Neagle Jerry Patterson Clint Gallaher Joe Gandara and Ralphie Ochoa. Nominated for National Convention Delegates were: Dicie Wilder, George Perez, Jeff Harrington, Joe Hones, Margaret Romero, Tina Harbour, Brad Smith, Basil Zuniga, Rolando Trevino, Bill Curtis, Diana Chavez, Mark Ramirez, Gene Shebley, Danny Blair Darryl Holderman, Anita Holderman, Tami Meier, Randy Coursen, Jerry Patterson, Pat Farr, Silver Farr, Joe Gandara, Karen Neagle, Ralphie Ochoa and Beverly Moland. To be eligible for Branch funds to attend the conventions the delegate must attend ten of the twelve meetings prior to the convention.


FINANCIAL SECRETARY’ S REPORT: Diana Chavez reported that $5,920.08 was collected for September 2003.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Kim Gerdes read the Treasurer’s report prepared by Molly Biggar.

Mike Towery thanked Brad Smith for being the Steward at Hillcrest.

Brad will be resigning at the end of the month.

There were 36 members present.

The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

Beginning Balance:  $31,649.59

Income:  $10,169.21

Interest Income:  $. 15

Balance: $41,818.95

Expenses:  $5 ,935 . 59

Ending Balance:  $35,883.36

The COLCPE drawing was won by Bill Marchand.

The drawing for $150.00 would have been won by Michael St. John except he was not present.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kim Gerdes

Branch 782 Recording Secretary